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Step by step guide for overall health improvement
Customized for you every step of the way for maximum goal accomplishment
Dr. Frates offers one-on-one wellness coaching by phone or in person for individuals or groups.
Her proven coaching method includes the following steps:
Work together along with facilitator Dr. Beth Frates, lifestyle medicine pioneer and seasoned coach, to identify ways that you can enhance your health and happiness without adding extra time to your schedule. With registration, you'll receive an e-book of paving the path to wellness workbook: A guide to thriving with a healthy body, peaceful mind, and joyful heart. This workshop series is for thriving with a healthy body, peaceful mind, and joyful heart. This workshop series is for faculty & trainees and will have limited sports available - apply now!
Instructor: Elizabeth "Beth" Frates, MD, FACLM, DipABLM, is the Director of Lifestyle Medicine and Wellness in the MGH Department of Surgery and the Director of Wellness Programming at Spaulding's Stroke Institute for Research and Recovery. She is a lifestyle medicine coach and President-Elect of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Frates is the author of Paving the path to wellness workbook: A guide to thriving with a healthy body, peaceful mind, and joyful heart.
"When I first started my work with Dr. Frates I was obese and amidst a diabetes scare. It served as a major wake up call. I couldn’t believe how my health had spiraled out of control and that my habits did not support my vision of myself. She worked with me week by week through many challenges, and obstacles. She always held me in the highest regard, and believed in me at times more than I believed in myself.
Over the past 7 months I have had a dramatic change in my personal habits through my work with Dr. Frates. Given my busy schedule, I never thought it would be possible to become a regular exerciser but now I can say that I make it to the gym faithfully 4 days per week. Her energy and enthusiasm for her work helped me change my attitude. Soon over time, I realized that change was possible even in the most difficult situations.
Using the coach approach we have tackled many hurdles in order to realize my dreams of being fit and healthy. My palate has changed dramatically, in that I no longer enjoy any of those unhealthy foods I used to eat on a regular basis. Now my diet consists of healthy foods that “fuel” me. As a result I have lost 25 pounds!! I am much more confident than I have ever been in my life. I feel good in my body, and my brain “fog” has disappeared. Now more than ever, I believe that it is all possible."
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